Changing Page Titles

There are a few methods that can be used in order to change the page titles of Theme My Login.

The first method is simply by creating your own English translation of Theme My Login.

The second method involves the use of the tml_page_title filter. This filter passes in two arguments to your callback function. The first argument is the title of the page being filtered. The second argument is the current action being used.

function tml_title( $title, $action ) {
	if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
		$user = wp_get_current_user;
		if ( 'profile' == $action )
			$title = 'Your Profile';
			$title = sprintf( 'Welcome, %s', $user->display_name );
	} else {
		switch ( $action ) {
			case 'register' :
				$title = 'Sign Up';
			case 'lostpassword':
			case 'retrievepassword':
			case 'resetpass':
			case 'rp':
				$title = 'Password Recovery';
			case 'login':
				$title = 'Sign In';
	return $title;
add_filter( 'tml_title', 'tml_title', 11, 2 );