Form Field Priorities

All form fields use a priority argument, which is a number, to determine their order. The lower the number, the higher the priority of the field. If two priorities are the same, they are displayed in the order of which they were added.

Priorty Name Description
10 log The username or email field.
15 pwd The password field.
20 login_form The login_form action hook.
25 rememberme The "Remember Me" checkbox.
30 submit The submit button.
30 redirect_to The hidden redirect field.
Priorty Name Description
10 user_login The username field.
15 user_email The email address field.
20 user_pass1 The password field, if User Passwords enabled.
20 user_pass2 The confirm password field, if User Passwords enabled.
20 indicator The password strength indicator, if User Passwords enabled.
20 indicator_hint The password strength indicator hint, if User Passwords enabled.
25 register_form The register_form action hook.
30 reg_passmail The message that registration confirmation will be emailed.
35 submit The submit button.
35 redirect_to The hidden redirect field.
Lost Password
Priorty Name Description
10 user_login The username or email field.
15 lostpassword_form The lostpassword_form action hook.
20 submit
The submit button.
20 redirect_to The hidden redirect field.
Reset Password
Priorty Name Description
10 pass1
The new password field.
10 pass2 The new password confirmation field.
10 indicator
The password strength indicator.
10 indicator_hint
The password strength indicator hint.
15 resetpass_form The resetpass_form action hook.
20 submit The submit button.
20 rp_key The hidden password reset key field.
Priority Name Description
10 personal_options_section_header The header for the Personal Options section.
15 admin_bar_front The show admin bar checkbox.
20 locale The language dropdown.
25 name_section_header The header for the Name section.
30 user_login The username field.
35 first_name The first name field.
40 last_name The last name field.
45 nickname The nickname field.
50 display_name The display name field.
55 contact_info_section_header The header for the Contact Info section.
60 email The email address field.
65 url The URL field.
70 $contact_method The results of the wp_get_user_contact_methods() function.
75 about_yourself_section_header The header for the About Yourself section.
80 description The description field.
85 avatar The user avatar.
90 account_management_section_header The header for the Account Management section.
95 pass1 The new password field.
95 pass2 The new password confirmation field.
100 show_user_profile The show_user_profile action hook.
105 submit The submit button.
105 _wpnonce The hidden nonce field.
105 user_id The hidden user ID field.