Custom E-mail: 6.4.x

The Custom E-mail module provides a simple interface for you to customize all login/registration system e-mail messages. Any field left blank within the settings for this module will utilize the WordPress default settings. The different system e-mail messages are broken down into sub-tabs visible when viewing the E-mail tab of the Theme My Login settings page. If you do not see the E-mail tab while viewing the Theme My Login settings page, see Managing Modules to enable the module.

General Fields

All of the customizable e-mail messages will use most of the following fields. For the sake of less redundancy, all of them will be centrally listed here.


Some admin e-mail messages allow you to specify where they should be sent. You may enter a single e-mail address or multiple e-mail addresses by separating them with a comma. Defaults to the E-mail address setting within the Wordpress Settings General screen

From Name

All e-mail messages allow you to specify a name in which to send from. This will appear as the from name in the user's inbox. Defaults to "WordPress".

From E-mail

All e-mail messages allow you to specify an e-mail address in which to send from. This will appear as the from e-mail address in the user's inbox. Defaults to "[email protected]".

E-mail Format

All e-mail messages allow you to specify a format in which to send. This can be either "Plain Text" or "HTML". Select "HTML" only if you will use markup within the message. Defaults to "Plain Text".


All e-mail messages allow you to customize the message subject. You may utilize any of the available variables here.


All e-mail messages allow you to customize the message body. You may utilize any of the available variables here.

Disable Admin Notification

Some admin e-mail messages are able to be disabled. Simply check this box to disable sending of these particular e-mail messages.

Available Variables

All of the customizable e-mail messages allow usage of variables within the subject and message body. For the sake of less redundancy, all of them will be centrally listed here. This is not a complete list. You can also access any available variable from the get_userdata() function (if it's a user-related message) and the bloginfo() function using the %variable% syntax.


The title of your blog/site.


The URL of your site.


The login URL of your site.


The user-specific password reset URL.


The user login of the user who triggered the message.


The e-mail address of the user who triggered the message.


The password of the user who triggered the message.


The IP address of the user who triggered the message.

New User

User Notification

This e-mail message will be sent to a new user upon registration. Please be sure to include the variable %user_pass% if using default passwords or else the user will not know their password!

Admin Notification

This e-mail message will be sent to the e-mail address or addresses specified in the To field, upon new user registration.

Retrieve Password

This e-mail message will be sent to a user when they attempt to recover their password. Please be sure to include the variable %reseturl% or else the user will not be able to recover their password! Reset Password

User Notification

This e-mail will be sent to a user upon successful password recovery. Please be sure to include the variable %user_pass% if using default passwords or else the user will not know their password!

Admin Notification

This e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address or addresses specified in the To field, upon user password change.