Configuring Notifications

After you have installed the extension, you must configure it. You can find the Notifications settings under Theme My Login → Notifications.

Default Notifications

This section lets you customize all of the user-related emails sent by WordPress. The default notifications are as follows:

NOTE: Any field left blank will use the default value.

  • New User Notification: This is the email sent to a new user after they register.
  • New User Admin Notification: This is the email sent to the site administrator after a new user registers.
  • Retrieve Password Notification: This is the email sent to a user when they are attempting to recover their password.
  • Password Change Notification: This is the email sent to a user after their password has been changed.
  • Email Change Confirmation Notification: This is the email sent to a user after their email address has been changed, confirming that they would like to do so.
  • Email Change Notification: This is the email sent to a user after their email address has been changed.
All of the default notifications are configured in a similar manner. The following fields may be available:

From Name

The name that the email should be sent from.

From Address

The email address that the email should be sent from.


The format of the email. This can be either plain text or HTML.


The subject of the email.


The body/content of the email.

Disable this notification

Check this box to disable a notification.

Custom Notifications

You can defined as many custom notifications for any available trigger as you please. The settings for a custom notification are outlined below.


The title of the notification. This is purely used for admin display purposes, to help identify your notifications.


The recipient of the notification. To send a notification to the user in which the event is regarding, leave this field blank. To send a notification to anyone else, enter an email address here. Multiple email addresses can be separated by commas.

From Name

The name in which the notification should be from. The default value is "WordPress".

From Email

The email address in which the notification should be sent from. The default value is the email address field found under WordPress Settings → General.


The format of the notification. This can either be "Plain Text" or "HTML".


The subject of the notification. Variables, which are outlined below, can be used in the subject.


The notification message or body. Variables, which are outlined below, can be used in the message.


Triggers are the events that happen for which notifications can be sent. The core triggers are outlined below.

  • New User Registered This trigger occurs when a new user registers for your site.
  • New User Created This trigger occurs when a new user has been created within the admin Dashboard of your site.
  • Lost Password Request This trigger occurs when a user visits the Lost Password page and fills out the form. This trigger includes the %reset_url% variable that you must use in order for users to be able to reset their passwords.
  • Password Changed This trigger occurs when a user changes their password.


Each custom notification has variables that can be used both in the subject and message. Some of these variables are global, that is, available regardless of which trigger it is. Some variables are user specific, and available regardless of which trigger. Others, as noted above, are trigger specific.

Global Variables

  • %site_name% - The site name.
  • %site_description% - The site description.
  • %site_url% - The URL to your WordPress installation.
  • %home_url% - The URL to your homepage.
  • %login_url% - The URL to your login page.
  • %user_ip% - The IP address of the user accessing the page when the event was triggered.

User Variables

Any property that is available on the WP_User object, such as user_login and user_email are available as user variables. This includes all user meta values.

Action Variables

  • %reset_url% - Only available for the New User Notification, Lost Password Notification, New User Registered trigger, and Lost Password Request trigger.
  • %new_email% - Only available for the Email Change Confirmation Notification and Email Change Notification.
  • %confirm_url% - Only available for the Email Change Confirmation Notification.
  • %activation_url% - Only available for the Activation Notification or trigger.